Brinley is 3 months old today! This is a picture from the day she was born. Followed by a picture taken a couple of days ago. We have enjoyed watching her grow and develop. It is amazing how much she has changed and learned.
lots of smiles...
and just today she started sucking her thumb instead of her whole fist. It was neat to see her finally do it, but we don't really want her to be a thumb sucker. She still likes her pacifier a lot and hopefully she will continue to perfer it over her thumb. We have really enjoyed the past 3 months and are so thankful for Brinley. We are excited to watch her continue to grow and learn new things.
Great Post! She is growing up too fast!
my little girl is soooo cute!
Merry Christmas from the Tryggestads!
-- Erik and Jeanie
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