I know I have probably said this before but I'll say it again. I'm going to try to start posting once a week. Mainly because I am not doing a very good job writing things down about the girls such as milestones and fun things they do. So I am going to attempt this once again. And I'll start right now with a post about Brooklyn. I wanted to do this in my last post but ran out of time.
1 Month
8 pounds 6 ounces
Brooklyn has been a great baby since the beginning. In her first month, she gained 2 1/2 pounds. By this time, she was sleeping 6-7 hours during the night. I would try to wake her up around 4 to 5 hours but was unsuccessful. The doc said since she was gaining weight really good to go ahead and let her sleep.
2 Months
10 pounds 2 ounces
During this month, Brooklyn started smiling. The first time I really noticed that she was smiling was December 6th. We were sitting in bible class. Brooklyn was laying in my lap with her pacifier in her mouth. When I looked down at her, she was looking at Alex with a big enough smile to see it past her pacifier.
3 Months
Around this time, Brooklyn started cooing, laughing and holding her head up. I love listening to her talk.
4 Months
12 1/2 pounds
Brooklyn had been been flipping over from her belly to her back randomly. Sometimes she would do it 3 or 4 times a night then not roll over again for a few days. On February 13, she started rolling from her back to her belly! From this day on she rarely stayed on her back.
On February 19, Brooklyn was able to sit up a little on her own.